Thursday, May 14, 2009

Saltine Cracker Snack Recipe Ideas

There are lots of different ways to make a snack with saltine crackers. There are a four different recipes ideas below
Saltine Cracker Snack Recipe Ideas

Cheese Snack

Take two saltine crackers and some softened spreadable cheese. Spread the cheese on a cracker and put one on top to make a cheese cracker sandwich snack.

Butter Snack

Take two saltine crackers and some softened butter. Spread the butter on a cracker and put one on top to make a butter cracker sandwich snack.

Peanut Butter Snack

Take two saltine crackers and some peanut butter. Spread the peanut butter on a cracker and put one on top to make a peanut butter cracker sandwich snack.

Honey Snack

Take two saltine crackers and some honey. Spread the honey on a cracker and put one on top to make a honey cracker sandwich snack.

1 comment:

Laura D said...

You could also put Jam in the middle of them...that tastes really good too!!!

Also if you wanted to make it healthy basically any kind of fruit would do.. just cut them into thin little pieces or have open face crackers and pile the fruit, apples, banana, pineapple even maybe mix it up with some cheese and avacados. They are so versatile. Make for a wondeful treat!!