Thursday, June 4, 2009

Making Instruments Kids Activity

Kids love to make noise. Homemade instruments are a fun way that kids can use some creativity by making and playing their homemade instruments.

Homemade Guitar Musical Instrument

- Take a plastic storage container and different sized rubber bands. The differing sizes and the tightness of the rubber bands will make the pitches higher or lower sounding when plucked with your finger.

- Stretch the bands over the container, and then pluck away.

homemade guitar

Homemade Tambourine

-Take two paper or Styrofoam plates.

-Let the kids color in top of the plates to make them colorful. It's easier to do this if they are paper.

-Take and fill one side of a plate full of uncooked rice or beans.

Homemade Instruments Put the other lid on top of the one full of beans or rice and staple the two plates together.

Homemade Instruments Shake it or pound on it to make a fun rhythm instrument.

Homemade drum

A quick and easy drum is an empty oatmeal container. Turn it upside down or just pound on the lid for a fun sound. You could use your hands or some sticks.

Water Glass Chimes Instrument

Take 4, 5 or more glasses and fill them with differring amounts of water. The ones that are less full will make a deeper sound and the ones more full will make a higher pitch sound.

Tap on the outside of the glasses with the end of a spoon and try to tap out a tune.

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